Mockingjays Are Just Curious

  1. How Do We Know What We Know?
  2. The Thinking Man’s Filter
  3. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Apologetics
  4. Probing the Bibles
  5. The Naked God

How Do We Know What We Know?

The Thinking Man’s Filter

The Thinking Man's Filter This will be the first chapter. The Thinking Man’s Filter delves into clarifying the most consistent and the only functional epistemology so far. Instead of wasting our time dwelling and finding answers to vague queries such as how many angels can dance on the head of a pin or presupposing supernatural and incoherently conceived beings, we focus on finding beliefs and models that lead to desired consequences when acted upon.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Apologetics

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Apologetics The second chapter, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Apologetics, examines the world of apologetics and explains why apologists are only playing what can be called a “language game”, despite their dead seriousness and fervor while playing it. Since the bone of contention, that is, God (whatever that means) hasn’t been demonstrated for ages ‘til the day of writing this, the defenders can do nothing to substantiate their claims about this entity’s existence but to play word games.

Probing the Bibles

Probing the Bibles Probing is not just for dentists and weird aliens and their rumoured fascination with farm cows’ and humans’ posteriors. In this third chapter titled “Probing The Bibles”, we’re going to probe the Bible: its origin, development, and the claims found in its contents. Brace yourselves as we dive deep into the mind-boggling passages of the supposedly infallible anthology.

The Naked God

The Naked God In this fourth chapter, we’ll be examining the claims about one of the most famous characters from stories ever told. No intentionally hidden facts, no sugarcoating, and no hiding behind fallacies. Wear your logic hat on as we delve down balls deep into the elaborate word game of the concept of an entity labeled by many as “God”.